fredag 31. oktober 2008

Programvare-patenter står for fall i USA

Wohooo! La det endelig bli slutt på dette tullet. Patenter virker bare mot sin hensikt når det gjelder programvareutvikling.

via on 10/31/08

En overordnet rettsinstans har etablert helt nye kriterier for å patentere forretningsmetoder.

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onsdag 29. oktober 2008

AideRSS Rebrands as PostRank, Launches New Features, API

Bruker selv AideRSS på enkelte RSS-feeder. Genialt verktøy når en feed spammer deg med 1000 nyheter til dagen, og gjerne bare 10 % er relevant/interessant stoff.

via by lxxxx@xxxcom (louisgray) on 10/28/08

Since its launch, AideRSS has aimed to leverage social tools to help determine a publisher's most popular content, through analysis of individual posts and their related activity, including Diggs, bookmarks on Delicious, links in Google, and total comments. RSS advocates suffering from information overload have even turned to AideRSS to act as an intelligent filter, providing them the best stream, rather than the default firehose. With today's new announcements, along with a rebranding as PostRank that saw the launch of a new Web site and look, the service has added tags, keyword filtering, and other tools that will get users to the data they are seeking quickly.

(See from December 2007: AideRSS Judges Feed Posts as Good, Great, Best)

PostRank Shows Posts With Audience Engagement Have Higher Score

The first major enhancement to the new PostRank is keyword filtering. As Ilya Grigorik wrote, users have asked for the ability to customize and filter any RSS feed with specific keywords. For example, you could get all posts from The Unofficial Apple Weblog that mention iPhone, or posts from Matt Cutts that mention SEO.

I Tagged TUAW as iPhone and Filtered for Only iPhone News

You can also now tag feeds you import into PostRank, helping to build out what the team calls "custom content channels" based on those tags and keywords. All feeds tagged with BlackBerry would be in the BlackBerry channel, etc.

Most interesting to developers may be the introduction of full API access. According to Grigorik, all operations possible on the new site are accessible by API, making it easy to utilize the filtering capabilities seen in their service on other applications.

As a blogger, the new PostRank offers better ways to see if specific posts do better with readers and the social services based on keywords. As a consumer, you can now read fewer feed items and still be sure you don't miss those that are most interesting to you. You can find PostRank at Of course, going to the old will push you there as well...
More: | RSS | FriendFeed | E-mail | Cell: 408 646.2759

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Synchronized Presidential Debating Video You've Got to See

Ikke nok med at det bare har vært 3 debatter, men innholdet i dem har også vært nærmest identisk...

Did watching the 2nd and 3rd debates give you a feeling of déjà vu? This montage of synced-up footage from all three presidential debates confirms our deep-seated belief that every debate was exactly the same.

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mandag 27. oktober 2008

Google Earth for IPhone (and an Example of a YouTube Ad)

Wow! Tøft. :)

via Google Blogoscoped by Philipp Lenssen on 10/27/08

Google announced that their Google Earth satellite pics program is now available for the iPhone too, and can be found in the iTunes App Store. On a side-note, while watching Google’s promotional video for this on YouTube, I noticed an example of a YouTube in-video ad.

[Thanks Luka! Top image via Google’s video.]

[By Philipp Lenssen | Origin: Google Earth for IPhone (and an Example of a ... | Comments]

[Advertisement] Google books at eBay: background info on Google, AdWords, AdSense, Blogger and more...

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lørdag 25. oktober 2008

Kristian Valen - Har lagt ut «Tir'onanir»

Hehe, ganske morsom. :)

Kristian Valen har lagt ut «Tir'onanir» på nettet, parodien på den såkalte onanisten fra Torgalmenningen som ble for sterk for NRK.

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onsdag 22. oktober 2008

I can't believe people like this exist [Respectful Insolence]

*Rister på hodet...*

I couldn't help but shake my head in disbelief when I saw this:

It boggles the mind that in 2008 such views still exist. I lived in Ohio for eight years, and I had no idea...

Read the comments on this post...

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10 Very Good Reasons Why You Should Grow A Beard (pics)

Not that you'd need 10 reasons to grow an awesomely giant beard, but whatever. =)

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Interaktiv kunst

Hehe, sprøtt...

via NRKbeta by Øyvind Solstad on 10/21/08

Chris O’Shea har laget installasjonen “Audience” av 64 speil som står på gulvet i et galleri. De står og vimer og det ser i grunnen ikke noe særlig ut.

Men når noen kommer bort til dem, vil alle speilene snu seg mot en person, slik at vedkommende ser seg selv i alle speilene. Etter en stund vil de “miste interessen” og snu seg mot en annen. Det er helt tilfeldig hvem de snur seg mot og hvor lenge før de kjeder seg.

Audience from Chris O'Shea on Vimeo.

Veldig spennende! Og et eksempel på prosjekter der kunsten reagerer på omgivelsene - og handler deretter. Har du andre eksempler så vil vi gjerne se dem.

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Hun krever fire felt fra Oslo til Stavanger

Ett enda viktigere poeng er at hovedveier som E39 må legges UTENOM tettsteder. Det er så utrolig unødvendig at man skal måtte forhold seg til en ny fartsgrense hver 500 meter når man kjører på en av landets viktigste hovedfartsårer.

Lill Tony Larsen Ramvik har sett seg lei på smal E 39, og håper å samle et trillebårlass med underskrifter.

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Palin Claims The VP Is ‘In Charge Of The U.S. Senate'

Er det ikke litt viktig at hun overhodet har oversikt over hvilken jobb hun prøver å få? :S

Yesterday, Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) sat for an interview with KUSA, an NBC affiliate in Colorado. In response to a question sent to the network by a third grader at a local elementary school about what the Vice President does, Palin erroneously argued that the Vice President is “in charge of the United States Senate“:

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mandag 20. oktober 2008

Remotely Control Your iPhone with Veency

Kan vel kanskje tenkes å være nyttig... :)

Veency is a free app that allows iPhone owners to remotely control their iPhone from the comfort of your PC or Mac desktop via a VNC client. Some of the neat things you can do with Veency

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NHibernate 2.0, SQLite, and In-Memory Databases

SQLite in-memory database til å kjøre unit tester. Genialt konsept. :)

via CodeThinked by cxxxx@xxxcom (Justin Etheredge) on 10/19/08

For anyone who is having issues with in-memory SQLite databases and NHibernate 2, check this post out!

I have been playing around recently with a bit of code that I needed a database to hit against to test it. The code was using NHibernate to directly access the database, so I couldn't just mock a layer and fake it, I really needed a relational database to access. So, I began to look around the net, and I found several posts (including this one by Oren Eini) where people have referenced using an in memory SQLite database to test against. Most of them were a bit older, and most of them were using NHibernate 1.2, but they were a good enough starting point where I could get all of my code setup. The problem was that once I got all of it setup, I was still getting exceptions from SQLite stating that it couldn't find the table when I went to query it. The exact exception I was getting was this:

NHibernate.ADOException: could not execute query [ select person0_.PersonId as PersonId0_, person0_.FirstName as FirstName0_, person0_.LastName as LastName0_ from People Person0_ ] ---> System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException: SQLite error no such table: People

Before I go into how I finally resolved this error, let me first go through my setup. It is very close to Oren's post above, but there are slight differences that may trip you up, so I will post most of this. First of all I am using NHibernate 2.0.1 and I am using System.Data.SQLite

One thing to point out, I am on an x64 machine, so make sure that if you are that you are using the System.Data.SQLite.DLL file in the x64 folder when running your application. But in the unit tests, I'm assuming since NUnit is a 32-bit app, I had to reference the 32-bit System.Data.SQLite.dll.  Otherwise you'll get some nonsensical errors that will take a while to figure out. Trust me, I know. :-)

My TestFixture base class looks pretty similar to Oren's, only for NHibernate 2.0 the config is a bit different:

public class NHibernateInMemoryTestFixtureBase  {      protected static ISessionFactory sessionFactory;      protected static Configuration configuration;        public static void InitalizeSessionFactory(params Assembly[] assemblies)      {          if (sessionFactory != null)              return;            var properties = new Dictionary<string, string>();          properties.Add("connection.driver_class", "NHibernate.Driver.SQLite20Driver");          properties.Add("dialect", "NHibernate.Dialect.SQLiteDialect");          properties.Add("connection.provider", "NHibernate.Connection.DriverConnectionProvider");          properties.Add("connection.connection_string", "Data Source=:memory:;Version=3;New=True;");            configuration = new Configuration();          configuration.Properties = properties;            foreach (Assembly assembly in assemblies)          {              configuration = configuration.AddAssembly(assembly);          }          sessionFactory = configuration.BuildSessionFactory();      }        public ISession CreateSession()      {          ISession openSession = sessionFactory.OpenSession();          IDbConnection connection = openSession.Connection;          new SchemaExport(configuration).Execute(false, true, false, true, connection, null);          return openSession;      }  }

Okay, so you can see here we are doing the same thing, we have two methods... One which which does the heavy lifting of setting up the SessionFactory, and a second which retrieves a new session and exports the schema to the in-memory database when we call it. Simple. Quite elegant, and I wish I had thought of it! In the test fixture our code is going to look like this:

[TestFixture]  public class PersonFixture: NHibernateInMemoryTestFixtureBase  {      private ISession session;      private System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommandBuilder cmd = new SQLiteCommandBuilder();      [TestFixtureSetUp]      public void TestFixtureSetUp()      {          InitalizeSessionFactory(typeof(Person).Assembly);      }        [SetUp]      public void SetUp()      {          session = this.CreateSession();      }        [TearDown]      public void TearDown()      {          session.Dispose();      }        [Test]      public void CanSaveAndLoadPerson()      {          var person = new Person();          person.FirstName = "Justin";          person.LastName = "Etheredge";          session.Save(person);          session.Flush();            session.Evict(person);            IQuery query = session.CreateQuery("from Person");          IList<Person> people = query.List<Person>();            foreach (Person loopPerson in people)          {              Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", loopPerson.FirstName, loopPerson.LastName);          }      }  }

Same deal as you saw in Oren's post. Only with one big difference. Mine doesn't work. So, why doesn't it work? Well, I'm glad you asked.

It took me a while to track this one down, because the error I was receiving was telling me that the table could not be found. So I had incorrectly assumed that the database itself was not being correctly created. Once I started thinking that this wasn't the problem I started looking at the connection lifetime and I noticed that after my call to "Flush" the connection was closed. Well, in our situation this is very bad, since we are using an in-memory database, this is wiping our database out!

I did a bit of research and found that in NHibernate 1.2 the concept of "Connection Release Modes" was introduced. Prior to this connections were held until the session was closed. With "Connection Release Modes" there are currently three options "auto", "on_close", and "after_transaction". The default is "auto" which is equivalent to "after_transaction". Well, since in NHibernate 2.0 transactions are now required, and are implicit if you don't specify one, the call to "Flush()" was causing a transaction to be created and committed which resulted in my connection being closed and my database going "poof" into thin air. Then when I went to query it, the connection was reopened, the database was gone, and I got a "no such table" error. How quaint.

The fix ended up being quite simple though, I just needed to set my "connection.release_mode" setting to "on_close" which according to the nHibernate docs is "left for backward compatibility, but its use is highly discouraged". Well, I hope that they don't remove this in a future version because it will cause a few issues with those of us who are using in-memory databases for testing purposes.

The test fixture base class that we defined above just has a single added line, but I'll go ahead and pasted the whole thing in again here:

public class NHibernateInMemoryTestFixtureBase  {      protected static ISessionFactory sessionFactory;      protected static Configuration configuration;        public static void InitalizeSessionFactory(params Assembly[] assemblies)      {          if (sessionFactory != null)              return;            var properties = new Dictionary<string, string>();          properties.Add("connection.driver_class", "NHibernate.Driver.SQLite20Driver");          properties.Add("dialect", "NHibernate.Dialect.SQLiteDialect");          properties.Add("connection.provider", "NHibernate.Connection.DriverConnectionProvider");          properties.Add("connection.connection_string", "Data Source=:memory:;Version=3;New=True;");          properties.Add("connection.release_mode", "on_close");            configuration = new Configuration();          configuration.Properties = properties;            foreach (Assembly assembly in assemblies)          {              configuration = configuration.AddAssembly(assembly);          }          sessionFactory = configuration.BuildSessionFactory();      }        public ISession CreateSession()      {          ISession openSession = sessionFactory.OpenSession();          IDbConnection connection = openSession.Connection;          new SchemaExport(configuration).Execute(false, true, false, true, connection, null);          return openSession;      }  }

So, there you have it, a full working example of an in-memory SQLite database running with NHibernate 2.0. Sweet.

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